Seniors Thrive at Life Care Services Communities
In the next 40 years, the number of adults age 65 and older will double, and more and more seniors will consider when is the right time to make the move to a senior living community.
In Life Care Services® communities such as ours, we aim to enable seniors to thrive and live their best lives, making the transition to senior living a choice many of our residents wish they would have made sooner.
Take Julia Lewis, a resident at fellow Life Care Services community Magnolia Springs SouthPointe, as a perfect example. Julia came to her community mobility challenged, using a walker and unable to do many of things she enjoyed in her younger years. Through the Life Care Services Health & Wellness Navigation Program, which helps our residents navigate the complicated care continuum, Julia received exercise training and therapy for over a year, dropped her walker and now, can't help but let loose and dance. A viral video of Julia dancing the jitterbug has been featured nationally on Fox and Friends, CBS This Morning and Good Morning America and has been shared by thousands - including Oprah - on social media.
Our desire is to help all of our residents be able to "get down" and dance again, join a book club, go to the opera, or garden - whatever their passion may be. Life Care Services communities seek to fulfil resident passions through our programming and partnerships.
You can get a glimpse into how residents at Life Care Services communities such as ours are loving their choice to move, by hearing from them yourself in this news clip featured on We Are Iowa.